In 2017, Rabbi SaraLeya received a special s’mikha (ordination) as a dayan for the Integral Halachah Institute to be a placeholder within the Jewish Renewal movement for a dynamic and responsive relationship to the halakhic process. She is deeply committed to a 21st century halakhic process, viewing the rabbinic textual tradition as a timeless conversation within the mind of the Divine. She teaches the senior halakha class for the ALEPH Ordination Rabbinical Program.

Her most recent published work is entitled “The Heart Knows Its Own Bitterness – Medical Assistance in Dying / Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia: Rethinking Halakhic Principles Underlying the Decision.” that is available via the Aleph Canada website.
In 2022, she co-offered the Halakha Plenary at the 2022 OHALAH conference, entitled “Lineage and Parental Gender in Jewish Identity.”